representation of gug's meat spacesuit for experiencing this reality


( Login: gug                              Name: gug                                                                                                 )
( Directory: /arpa/g/gug                  Shell: /bin/ksh                                                                                           )
( Office: Somewhere nice.                                                                                                                           )
( Never logged in.                                                                                                                                  )
( New Mail received Thu Apr 25 16:24 2024 (UTC)                                                                                                     )
(      Unread since Thu Apr 11 20:25 2024 (UTC)                                                                                                     )
( Project: Astrally!                                                                                                                                )
( Plan:                                                                                                                                             )
( They're telling the Unjabbed to take the jab because the jab works,and telling the Jabbed to get a booster because the jab doesn't work.          )
( All while telling Everyone that the Unjabbed are putting the Jabbed in danger by not getting a jab that didn't protect the Jabbed. - seems legit. )
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